Lynne Gets Honored by Yuri Kochiyama Fund for Political Prisoners

August 4th, 2011

I got a letter from the Yuri Kochiyama Fund for Political Prisoners (PO Box 80145, Goleta Ca 93118) to receive a modest gift ($25) along with nine others.  They are Gerardo Hernandez, Oscar Lopez-Rivera, Romaine  “Chip Fitzgerald, Dr. Mutulu Shakur, Sundiata Acoli, Jalil Muntaquin, Mumia Abu-Jamal, Russell, “Maroon” Shoats and myself.  The award is to honor  Elder Yuri’s 90 years of life and activism and mentioned that she “marveled at your staunch support  for the underrepresented and wondered why we don’t have more attorneys like you.  Your strong example is so important for us and our children, especially in the face of the travesty of your incarceration”

The letter was written by Matef and Diane, who I met through my political prisoner client Richard Williams (dec) and who visited him in Lompoc and attended his Memorial in Vermont.  Needless to say, I am most honored by this–by the Source and also by the company I’m in.  Forward Ever.


Thanks to the generous support of Resist, Inc. - Funding social change since 1967.